Thursday, December 20, 2012

Does Anyone Use A MUSIC Practice Log Anymore?

Does Anyone Use A Practice Log Anymore?

Many musicians will remember the old days when the weekly lesson would start with the instructor checking the practice log.

Even though practice logs come is so many different formats, they seem to convey the same message, or answer the same questions: what did the student accomplish in terms of technique, etudes, and repertoire?

With the technological advances today, when students use their smart phones to access YouTube videos or their iPads to find a new Pentatonic scale position, who cares for a practice log anymore?

There are numerous benefits from using a practice log, including assessment, planning, and motivation. Using one on a regular basis can only benefit both the student and the instructor.

As stated above, practice logs can come in different formats, and each individual could design their own log, according to their own needs. Also, some standard practice logs are available from reputable publishers.

I have also created a practice log for my students. It is a system that I used myself for many years, and especially during my classical guitar lessons while attending college. At that time, it was in a hand-written format, but the content was pretty similar.

I am providing this system here, in a weekly-log format. It is a chart that can be copied and used again and again, every week. The system can be used for music lessons with an instructor but also in the absence of an instructor.

I invite you to take a look at my Weekly Practice Log System.

Four Page Document:
• cover page
• benefits of using a practice log
• directions for use
• weekly practice-log chart (print multiple copies)

Purchase This Item On My Website (sent to you via email)

Purchase This In My TeachersPayTeachers Store (instant download)


  1. I'm no musician, but I love your blog. It is very professional looking and should bring many followers. Be patient as it does take time.

    1. Wow! You are the first to follow, and the first to post a comment.
      Thanks! :O)
